Recently, Intiaro launched a new platform for interior designers known as DesignerBoard3D. As we were working on this new tool, we had members of our Designer Advisory Board use the platform to create 3D renders of furniture, using a frame of their choice from the Product List on the DesignerBoard3D website. Then, the Intiaro team and the other designers on our board all voted for our favorite designs.

This new platform fills a gap left by other technologies offered to designers that were developed as more of a catch-all for several industries, not just residential interior design. DesignerBoard3D combines top-tier 3D visualization with fully customizable fabric overlays and 3D downloads to help you achieve maximum accuracy for your projects, so that clients can be as sure of their projects as possible. Keep reading to learn more about the winners of the design competition!

1st Place – Victoria Burkholder

Victoria is a designer based in New York City with experience in photo styling, set design, and retail design. Her style leans into Global Bohemian with earthy, vintage and sometimes industrial touches. She’s an artist at heart with a love for natural, earth-based mediums; this has led her to open an Etsy shop—To Be Planted. Outside of design, Victoria enjoys playing soccer, running and practicing herbalism. 

“I love incorporating a bit of historical nature into my design, hence the pin stripes with the velvet seating,” Burkholder said about her design. “The shape of the chair was also reminiscent of historical structure. As for the botanical, paisley-like fabric on the back of the chair, I felt that it brought the freedom and organic aspects of nature.” 

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2nd Place – Kaelyn Schmidt

Based in Gainesville, Florida, Kaelyn Schmidt, is an Interior Design graduate from the University of Florida with over 10 years of experience in the building industry.

Specializing in new construction selections and bathroom renovations, she has a diverse knowledge of design and offers clients a variety of styles, aesthetics and techniques. Her attention to detail and ability to understand the clients’ needs translates into tangible results and customer satisfaction.

3rd Place (Tie)

Megan Schwarting – Omaha, NE
Raquel Steinfeld – Boston, MA











If you’re a brand and would like to know more about hosting your products on DesignerBoard3D, take a look at what we can offer you here. And if you’re a designer interested in improving your 3D visuals and optimizing your workflow, click here. We look forward to working with you!

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